Vera Vorontzova — MEDICAL SECRETS

The Last Patient - Vera Vorontzova


Nonna loved her new office of the head doctor’s deputy of the hospital! However promotion brought a lot of unexpected problems: on her first day in the new position Nonna comes across a new, not approved yet medicine and decides to find out who uses it and why. She traces it to Dr. Burtsev, a brilliant surgeon, the last hope of famous athlete Dmitry Usmanov who is paralyzed as a result of a trauma. But Dr. Burtsev is not in a hurry to perform a surgery on the sportsman, instead getting busy with a mysterious woman patient who doesn’t remember anything about herself. Nonna wants to know what makes Burtsev to use illegal substance.

Bibliographic information:

Последний пациент. © В.Воронцова.

М., 2010, 320с..- (Врачебные секреты)

ISBN 978-5-699-40044-7 - ООО "Издательство "ЭКСМО"

Another edition of this book: Not yet

The Cost Of Medical Mistake - Vera Vorontzova


Nonna’s ex-lover got a promotion and became a head doctor of the hospital. He offers Nonna position of his deputy. Her love life in ruin, former colleagues became her subordinates and not happy about it… all that unsettles Nonna so much that driving home one night she hits a young woman...

Nonna brings the victim to her hospital and operates, but the young woman remains in coma. Nonna’s ex-lover hides from the police the fact that it was Nonna who ran over the woman, but Nonna is not sure she could continue to work as nothing happened. And what would she have to pay for the most serious mistake in her medical career?

Bibliographic information:

Цена врачебной ошибки. © В.Воронцова.

М., 2010, 320с..- (Врачебные секреты)

ISBN 978-5-699-41406-2 - ООО "Издательство "ЭКСМО"

Another edition of this book: Not yet

Airbus Of Death - Vera Vorontzova


Passenger of the Airbus Beijing – Moscow are suddenly struck with a strange epidemic. Atypical pneumonia? Or some other unknown virus?

Former nurse and now top model Olga feels it her duty to care about her sick flight mates.

After the death of one of the passengers the situation becomes unpredictable. Olga is trying to guess what happened and thinks she is onto something… Until she faints and wakes up…in a plastic bag.

Bibliographic information:

 Аэробус смерти. © В.Воронцова.

М., 2010, 288с..- (Врачебные секреты)

ISBN 978-5-699-45827-1 - ООО "Издательство "ЭКСМО"

Another edition of this book: Flight To SurviveCrazy Flight